Rye Roofing Ltd

Your Local Specialist for GRP Fibreglass Roofing in Cranbrook & Kent | Rye Roofing

There are a few options you have available when it comes to flat roofing systems. Rye Roofing, which covers Cranbrook and all other areas of Kent, specialises in GRP fibreglass – a material we think has all the right qualities to put it above and beyond competing options. In this blog, we run over these qualities for the benefit of clients, and internet users seeking professional advice from time served roofers on this innovative, modern material.

5 Reasons to Choose GRP Fibreglass Roofing

1. It’s Tough – One of the strongest flat roofing systems on the market, GRP fibreglass roofing offers property owners in Cranbrook and wider Kent commendable durability. Its impressive strength to weight ratio means it can put up with most challenges thrown at it in typical use conditions.

2. It’s Weather-proof – Did you know that GRP fibreglass is often used in maritime vessels, to better-waterproof their hulls? Our clients in Cranbrook and elsewhere in Kent will ensure their properties stay warm and dry by opting for this modern roofing material.

3. It Lasts a Long Time – We feel confident enough to provide long-term guarantees on our GRP fibreglass roofing systems, but these guarantees are just scratching the surface; when well maintained, residents of Cranbrook and other Kent locales can expect these roofs to last for well over 20 years when properly maintained and installed by professionals.

4. It’s Quick to Install – If you’re in a hurry to get a property fitted out with a roof, then GRP fibreglass roofing is ideal – it has a low cure time and can be up and running in no time at all. This reduced installation time makes for a lower cost, and also means you can see to unexpected or last minute development issues without too much hassle.

5. It’s Cost Effective – …on the subject of cost, GRP fibreglass roofing is one of the most popular flat roof systems you’ll find in the Cranbrook and Kent areas due to its cost efficiency. It’s an affordable option that will ensure you keep favourable margins whether you’re building a roof for an out building, extension or garage.

Looking to invest in a GRP fibreglass roofing system for your property in Cranbrook, Kent? Call Rye Roofing today on 08081 789362 or 07711 584226.